Sunday, September 30, 2007
12:51 AM

Notion of Newness

Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings -Hellen Keller

Why do we here celebrate Hari Raya the way we do?, We have a strange culture of celebrating the day. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't questioning the reason why God gave us the opportunity to celebrate after a month of figthing our inner demon not to mention thirst and hunger.But why do we make a fuss about new stuff, Hari Raya cookies and others. The month of Ramadhan was suppose to teach us the meaning of starvation, to reflect the people who aren't so lucky, so we grasp the meaning that every human is the same no matter what status they live. But do we? I see pasar Ramadhan being fully crowded, hotels get extra customer with meals that can last for months. People fork out money more than any other month. Aren't Ramadhan suppose to teach us how to control our lust. Not loose it.It suppose to make the poor feel appreciated not depreciated (as every of them would feel when the whole nation is crazy about getting new
It is getting crazier and crazier here.

When I was in Jordan, they don't have all this stupid notion. Well they celebrate is by visiting relatives but no one get too over excited with the notion of newness. They don't have Raya cookies to boost or new curtain to drape their houses.They have chocolate though. Just a few. They exchange gifts. It was just a day, by the next things return to its somber way. No Hari Raya offers in supermarket. Nobody is crazy enough to buy a whole wardrobe of new clothes to celebrate Hari Raya for a month. In fact between Ramadhan and Hari Raya, Ramadhan was a more festive month.Yes! Not the other way around!. Wasn't that what it suppose to be.

If a banking represention are used, I would say that Ramadhan is the month when you can increase you investment by hundreds of percent and Hari Raya just ended it. Bad isn't it.But we are too busy with rendang, ketupat and lemang I suppose to even realise what we are missing and where we are heading.

Momento mori 'Remember your mortality'- Latin Quotes


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