Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Somebody came to me one day and ask why 'Blissful Ignorance' and not something else. That took me by suprise because nobody ever ask me the question since I don't think people really care about what fancy name you put as your blog title. I felt like answering one of those Miss World question, " If ignorance is a bliss why do we seek knowledge?".
The reason why I put Blissful Ignorance as this blog title is the fact when I write something I like to forget that there are people who are going to read that piece of article and have opinion of their own. If I am very self concious about my readers than I wouldn't write a thing. I like to pretend that I wrote to only one person and that person is me (pretty dumb notion considering the fact that people write for the purpose of the thing being read by others unless it is your secret diary not some public domain like a blog). I am quite self concious at times but I've learn by being ignorance about certain things I can do things that I am afraid of.. like public speaking, writing articles or holding my pride high when your boss is just so bloody breathing down your neck. Although I can never put that through karaoke session or my phobia with snake.Its like fashion, if you are so self aware about what you put on than you might end up being plane jane lost in the crowd. Or the plane jane who is afraid to go out at all.
In life we need to have certain degree of ignorance because pleasing everyone is very hard. As to the question earlier " If ignorance is a bliss why do we seek knowledge?" You can answer it in different ways but mine would be 'We seek knowledge because it is the only way we can tolerate being ignorance'
P/s: New song for October..Kelly Clarkson - Sober. Putting a Hari Raya song up here is just so cliche beside you guys can listen to it on the radio.
If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other- Mother Teresa
Monday, October 08, 2007
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