Tuesday, December 23, 2008
11:24 AM


The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.-Douglas Adam

All of us seems to have a knack for something, it isn’t your hobby but something you will do when the condition allows you too. I have a knack of unscrewing things and try to fix them up. Everytime something is broken, I would open it up and figure out how to repair it. Mind you that not all the things I opened can be fix, but I still have this curiosity to know how it is inside.

When I was ten, I open-up the VCR because the picture started to look grainy on TV. I managed to clean it…and lost a screw. At twelve, it was a walkman, it work for a while before somebody thumped it on the floor. At thirteen it was a cordless phone (almost blow the things up…lucky I didn’t get electrocuted, don't ask me what I did). Yesterday it was the bicycle exercise machine, managed to scratched my hand in the process but the thing works like it supposed to work again. Tell me to fix the computer and I jumped, I can probably fix it in less than an hour. Tell me to arrange flowers…hmmm, last time I tried that, it took me two hours...and it didn’t even had screws, wires, programmes and power cord!

Each of my siblings had a unique talent of their own, my youngest brother have a knack of everything electronics and out of the five of us. (I like fixing electronics things…the little guy do experiment with them!) he is the only one with the ability to beautifully draw things. Others can draw too only we major in stick figures. My second youngest sister has a frivolous art taste. She is quite good in making things with her hand and the most girlish out of the three of us. She had quite a staggering number of teddy bears collections…and sleeps with them….I suffocate for sure having so much fur around me. My other sister has a knack to locate beautiful things, arts and decoration. I’m not really sure of her talent but if she is given a chance she would make a good interior decorator, only she needs to learn to keep her room tidy first.

My younger brother…I don’t know he seems to have a talent for video directing and mathematics. Well he is on the route to become a doctor anyway, so no point of trying to figure out where his interest lies...

Common sense is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done.-C.E Stowe


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