Wednesday, March 14, 2007
12:34 AM

work and play

Just came back from KL...yup again. Had to sit through a boring seminar for a whole day. While everyone else were eating lunch...take time off to play ping-pong at the club house. (Boy! I suck big time...sorry I am a lousy player Mr but it was fun).

As I was in the hotel room I started thinking maybe I should write a hotel review since I've stayed in almost all kind of hotel. From the no star to the shining glittery hotels with a lot of stars. But yet I'm too lazy to even fill in the customer review sheet..how can I write a proper hotel review.

Well the seminar ended..and I got a few extra days to relax before my work is complete so decided to go on KL tour. Visit a few friends...just my luck I got the chance of a life time to visit Istana Budaya up-close. I mean very close. I was there a few times but always as spectator of drama or musicals but this time I got to be on the stage. No audience though...I will be freak out if there is.. See all the technology they adapted to be the number 2 most prestigous performance hall in the world. (yup..number one would be Albert Hall in London). I knew what it was like from the aundience area but that day I got chance to see the backstage anatomy. Some school kids were practising in the Lambang Sari room which is a smaller stage next to the Panggung Sari Stage. They were cute. Found out that they just replace to carpet last Ramadhan.. I wonder what was wrong with the previous one?...government do have a lot of money to throw out I guess.


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