Thursday, May 17, 2007
12:08 AM

Where the heart is..

Heart ; ‘härt

The heart is a pear shaped, muscular organ in vertebrates, responsible for pumping blood through the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions, or a similar structure in annelids, mollusks, and arthropods.[1] The term cardiac (as in cardiology) means “related to the heart” and comes from the Greek καρδία, kardia, for “heart.” The heart is composed of cardiac muscle, an involuntary muscle tissue which is found only within this muscle. - Source: Wikipedia
There is an ancient saying that says, “the heart is a complicated thing”. Which is true in some ways! You can have heartaches, heart attacks, hearty breakfast, more hearts for every little thing that mattered. They even created catchy song titles with the word heart in it! There is the song “Heart Break Hotel” and the ever famous “Achy Breaky Heart”.

Well, the heart is not only complicated, it’s very special to us. People dare say, you can’t be alive without a heart. I mean no brains? That’s small a matter, you will be just a stupid person or in medical terms, “brain dead” which they will bravely say you’re dead (to the doctors) but without a heart, you’re a good as a dead too! Infact you’ll be the most dead person I can think off! Why? Simple rule, no heart, no passion!

For those who had gone through hardship, through the bad times, the hurtful time, without that heart of yours, you won’t be still reading this entry. When it matters the most, to go that extra mile and I mean even in that decathalon or marathon of yours, it’s your heart that keeps you going, not your brain.

People like to say, it’s all in your mind, it’s in your mind, if you set you mind on it, you will get it, that all a big lie to me. It’s your heart that tells you, not your brain. It’s suppose to be, “If you have the heart you will made it! If you have the passion (which is from your heart), you can do it!”.

If you fall in love with someone, it’s not you brain that tells you, “Hey! I love that guy!” or “Damn, that girl is beautiful!”. It’s your heart that tells you that! Maybe after than your brain will start calculating the pros and cons if its a good choice but your heart made the first move man, he’s the Man (suprise!) It all came down to this most important organ in the human body, the heart. The most hardworking organ in your body, the heart. The most passionate organ in the body, the heart. So the next time people tell you its in your mind, please do them a favour, correct them. It’s actually in your heart.

Ladies, they are always associated with thinking with their heart, sorry to break the rule! Guys think with their heart too! Only that they let their brains decide after that or in another term, their ego that decides (sorry guys they have to know one day!) Let your heart relive your passion it’s a beautiful thing that God create for us all.
Nothing is less in our power than the heart, and far from commanding we are forced to obey it. -Jean Jacques Rousseau.


muNm said...

Betul tu.... i hate when people said it's all in your brain....

Leen said...
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Leen said...

It all in our heart..only sciencetist never know how to prove it. Ever wonder why God sends two angels to washed Prophet Muhammad p.u.h heart with zam-zam water and not his brain..

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