Thursday, October 18, 2007
2:07 AM

muy mal

Again for uncounted times I fell sick on Hari Raya, I'm geeting tired of this pattern. Whenever somebody catches cold I'm on the next round of victim and ussually in worst condition (much worst) than virus carrier or when I foolishly thought than I can beat my own body my consuming lots and lots of cold drink,(ice cube are hard to resist you know..especially on a very hot day or breaking fast) the result...catastrophe. My body seems to have the laziest type of antibody that it needs the help of antibiotic to fight what ever infection gnaw on me.It is so lazy that it got me staring in amazement when somebody manage to broke of their fever without the help of a doctor's prescribtion.

And the total lack of fighting spirits of my antibody got me into stuffy nose, sore throat and near feverish on the eve of Hari Raya..(great luck huh..) It turns a bit uglier on the next day..confining me in bed most of the day..but lucky this time I still get to celebrate the first day of Raya without so much trouble...compared to the other times.

A repeat performances if I must say...a few years back on the first day of Raya I had a very high fever that I can't even manage to get out of bed in the morning....I slept of on the effect of medication in my room while all the family and friends were enjoying themself belowstairs. Two years back in was on the second day of Raya..my parent had to rush me to the emergency unit. This time the fever wasn't that high, not so much headache, but the stuffy nose and sore throat was irritating. No lost of voice though..lucky. (Well it suppose to be...I was well equipt with all the medication already) Why can't my antibody work the way it suppose to work?


muNm said...

Leen, hope u r ok now.... neway, selamat hari raya & get well soon (if u still not feeling well)...

Leen said...
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Leen said...

I'm alright..the fever has gone away so did the sore throat,if you don't count the throbing headache or the lost sense of smell due to stuffy nose. I'm perfectly fine..

In a way I should be thankful because when everyone is complaining how they gain weight during Hari Raya..I'm losing mine..hehehe

Selamat Hari Raya to you too..enjoy it

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