For those who didn't know Batavia is Jakarta. It was the old name which Jakarta was called during the Dutch time. It was calles Batavia because it was home for the Betawi people. But sadly enough there are no more Betawi people living in Jakarta. It seems all the developement and outside migration have pushed the Betawi to live outside of Jakarta.
So who lived in Jakarta these days. Well not this guy tribe, he came from Timor Leste and it seems that some of them still living in a hut and work on woodcraft. (apparently obscenenity is part of the craft...I guess there isn't so much fuss about it since they don't really wear clothes so its just an everyday observation)
Nasi Sunda is pretty simple actually, you have rice, roasted chicken or fried fish, then fried kangkung or salad and sambal. (very hot sambal). On a good day you can eat satay. Ohh almost forgot...tempe.(the must have dish). In a way it is a healthy eating habit and consist of all the rigt diet. Unlike us this people don't live to eat, they eat to live.
And down below you have the guy who work serving Nasi Padang. He can served 20 dish on one hand!. Nasi Padang have more variety (much more). I think whoever wants to work in a Nasi Padang restaurant need to have a pair of very strong arm. They can clean a whole table of 10 people in just one round. Impressive!.
One thing in common between Nasi Padang and Nasi Sunda, they both serve a hot big mug of tea (no sugar added) on the house. My sister made the waiter laughed when she asked for a mug of tea with sugar. She got it alright, with 4 table spoon of sugar.
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