Thursday, March 19, 2009
10:26 PM

While I'm driving..

The person whose problems are all behind them is probably a school bus driver - Unknown

What's on my dashboard - being a typical female driver (of being cautious, not slow...although sometimes my side parking does take-up a little bit more space) I know how to drive a car, put I probably end-up quite clueless if something does happen to the car. While I'm drving the only thing that made sense is the fuel and speed meter. Other than that my dashboard doesn't really serve much other that tell me if the boot or door is open ...ohh yeah the handbreak position. Other meters doesn't really made sense. If something do goes wrong...well we think about it when the time comes. I think I can find a way of changing tyre if it comes to an emergency. (How hard can that be? it's not like a it's the ventilator).

Why we read news - does the news about the corrupt political figure or a unique mark on tree is something really neccessary in our live? Newspaper sells hundreds of thousands of copies everyday because we are curious about other people lives. Most of the news we read were actually useless for our everydays life. My theory on why we read news is probably because it can be the source of things to talk about when you don't really have anything else to say to other people where common interest is not an option. Other than the weather which in Malaysia is quite a dull subject since it's either too hot or too much rain. News become the save subject to jump when Einstein theory or the Roman history is not something everybody read upon. Let face it, we are a bunch of curious apes... (ever wonder why reality TV is such a hit).

Earth hour -On this 28th of March, for those who want to support the fight for global warming, turn of your light for an hour beginning at 8pm. Remind me of the blackout I'd experienced in Syria. Seriously it is not fun to be freezing like an ice cube in the dark. A humbling experience...give you an insight about the homeless people who are left out in the cold without even a roof to shield them.

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat money. ~Cree Indian Proverb


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