Friday, February 26, 2010
9:19 PM

Japanese pride

There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life presents you. - Stacey Charter

Presiden Toyota sebak di Kongres

TOKYO - Penduduk Jepun terpegun melihat Presiden Toyota Motor Cop, Akio Toyoda sebak dan diselubungi emosi apabila dia meminta maaf di depan anggota- anggota Kongres Amerika Syarikat (AS) kelmarin.

Toyoda yang dihujani soalan berhubung penarikan balik kereta buatannya sehingga menjejaskan reputasinya menyatakan dia berasa amat kesal ekoran kemalangan dan kecederaan melibatkan kereta Toyota.

Dia muncul di hadapan Jawatankuasa Pembaharuan Pemerintah dan Pengawasan AS bagi menjawab soalan berhubung penarikan balik kereta berkenaan.

"Konnichi-wa," kata seorang anggota perwakilan Parti Demokrat, Dianne Watson dari Clifornia yang bermaksud hari baik kepada Toyoda di sesi soal jawab itu.

"Arigato gozaimasu" tambah Dianne atau terima kasih kerana datang.

Komennya itu dibuat selepas Toyoda menyampaikan ucapan pembukaan dalam bahasa Inggeris.

Toyoda menegaskan bahawa kenderaan syarikat itu tidak mengalami masalah elektronik di sebalik dakwaan beberapa pakar keselamatan yang mengaitkannya dengan pecutan mendadak.

Dalam sesi soal jawab dengan panel Kongres AS di sini, Toyoda memberitahu dia pasti bahawa sistem elektronik pedal minyak Toyota bukan punca sejumlah kereta syarikat itu memecut secara mendadak.

"Saya percaya bahawa Toyota selalu bekerja untuk keuntungan AS. Saya cuba untuk menyatakan bahawa mesej itu datangnya dari hati tetapi sama ada ia difahami sepenuhnya, saya tidak tahu," katanya pada sesi tersebut.

Toyoda turut memberi penilaian terhadap perubahan yang bakal dihadapinya.

"Kami di Toyota berada di persimpangan jalan. Kita perlu untuk memikirkan semula setiap perkara mengenai operasi kami," katanya.

Kemunculan Toyoda di Washington itu dibuat ekoran krisis keselamatan yang dihadapi Toyota seperti masalah pedal minyak dan brek kereta buatannya. - Agensi

When do you think that we will ever see Proton or any other head of company asking for forgiveness let alone crying when their product fail to meet safety standards or when their company cause accident or start falling left and right. e.g: the Terengganu stadium incident, the bridge in Perak that killed schoolchildren, Kancil window problem...etc..etc.

For most of the cases here, we wouldn't even know who the culprit to blame.

Pride is a personal commitment. It is an attitude which separates excellence from mediocrity.-Anynomous


muNm said...

I think if Proton needs to follow this as example, they need to recall every car that they ever made. Seriously semua bermasalah... Pastu ada pulak alasan 'kalau nak murah, memang la tak perfect.' Susah la macam tu... sampai bila-bila tak bagus.

Leen said...

Even if they want to recall every piece they ever built I'm not sure the CEO would start crying buckets because the company is GLC he just happened to be appointed to sit at the top. No pride there...

Tapi memang la every piece have defect even the so called mewah macam Perdana pun masalah sana sini and that car is not cheap at all jadi kalau nak bagi alasan 'nak murah memang la tak perfect' is pure rubbish. Nak melepaskan tengkuk jer alasan tu.

We need company that have more pride in what they build.

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