Wednesday, October 13, 2010
5:28 AM

Moving on..

Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don't have for something they don't need. - Will Rogers

I said I was going to clean up the blog, haven't actually done it yet, just remove the mp3 player as the autoplay 'false' command isn't doing it's job and playing songs without being prompt in Chrome. (annoying! I know).

I don't know if anyone realize but advertising in website has becoming increasingly annoying. It use to pop-up, then some clever guy invent to pop-up blocker so we didn't see it much anymore. Then the little flash advert. Very nice, moving objects with sounds just like TV commercial. It became a bugger when it keep being brought forward and getting bigger. Most of the time you just click the little 'X' button somewhere.

Then they advertiser moves a little step further, hiding the little 'X' mark for a few seconds making it hard for you to shut it. So you just have to sit and stare and the advertisement for a few seconds while contemplating murdering who ever came with the idea. Personally I think advertisement method for internet will continue to change over the years making it harder and harder for a person to just ignore the message being brought to you by some company who wants you to notice them.

The way advertisement keeps getting push to the limit can be motivational actually. Just never give up and always find a new way of getting through.

I have always believed that writing advertisements is the second most profitable form of writing. The first, of course, is ransom notes... - Philip Dunsberry


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