Wednesday, March 23, 2005
4:49 PM

Egghead of UPU online

An educated person is one who has learned that information almost always turns out to be at best incomplete and very often false, misleading, fictitious, mendacious - just dead wrong -Russel Baker

Clever people sometimes do dumb things. Read about UPU online said to be faster way for the students to apply for university and it is the only way you can apply. I am an old school, I finished high school in 2000 and went to Malacca for matriculation education for a year and apply for university place very traditional way by filling the thick form and post it through snail mail. I trust the postman more then the e-mail sometimes. I got my place in UM with no big problems along the way.

I don't have to fill my form in the middle in the night because the server only able to process my application during that time. I don't have to spent almost RM 30 at internet cafe just to be able to update my address. But that is the situation faces by the 2004 SPM students. For those who live in urban TMNet hotspot, broadband, 'I can even surf while in the ladies' area this is such a pleasure but for those who live in rural area where even the telephone line seems to be an exclusive thing this is pain. I don't know which egghead come up with this plan but somehow he didn't think about a backup plan for this so clever plan of his. We are not talking about 'pass only PMR' people here but we are talking about 'I got my PHD from Cambridge people'. People who attend hundreds of seminars on 'How to Think Outside The Box' and 'Think Effectively'. For a simple matters like this they forget those underprivilage student just because their house are wired entirely with internet. This is not one person idea but a group of egghead.

I'm not mad just a little bit confused of how a simple even a nine years old can come up with solution thing become a moroon 'I don't know how anything work' thing.

The world needs anger. The world often continues to allow evil because it isn't angry enough - Bade Jarret


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