Thursday, March 24, 2005
5:58 PM

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous

Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. - Hans Christian Anderson

And I need to see more green trees, no dead one even worst none at all. Growing up living with nature, smeling the ocean and hearing the ocean wave singing to me the night lullaby have shape my life till this day. I still love to sit by the beach doing nothing at all just smelling the ocean breeze and listening the sound can calm me down even on worst day of my life. The smell of grass after the rain, or the sound of crickect at night, everything have it's own significance and hold a piece of memory for me. Grandma used to tell me its going to rain even when the sky is bright because she can smell it. The smell of rain always remind me of her.

Little by little all this drift apart from me. My house is no longer by the beach, but I'm glad to still be able to live in a bungalow where trees are a part of its landscape and the space is enormous. In KL I life in a small apartments (the name is just for selling purposes only..it's a flat with grand name). I used to ridiculed kids who like to hang out in shopping malls but now I know why. Most of them live in flats where personal space is a luxury thing. You simply don't have it. By going out it give you the ability to breath a bit more. Crime arrises from this problems to even though we try to deny it. Lack of space and peace at home is what make people try to search for alternative ways to entertaint or fullfill that need.

Even peace may be purchased at too high a price -Benjamin Franklin


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