Sunday, October 16, 2005

Complete wreck

A friend dropped me a line asking me why I haven’t been active updating this little place of mine except for the new song for October, Geoffrey Raines ‘Here I Am’…I never expected a fan…hahaha. The reason, I’ve been in quite a mess, physically and emotionally. It just didn’t feel right bombarding people whom I am angry with or just feel depressed with here…I could and maybe would if I didn’t become such a hypocrite, trying to be nice to everyone…sigh

I guess no matter where or how you are brought up, there will always be some of the ‘Malay’ trait inherited in me..not that I’m not proud of some of it…however there are some which I wish I didn’t have. The ‘jaga hati’ thing…keeping everybody happy when you are miserable yourself…trying to say something nice, when at the same thing you wanted to shout so badly at that person for being such a complete jerk. Lucky enough I don’t inherited those ‘janji melayu’ thing…Dad played a great role in that, always reminding me being a Muslim means you don’t break promises, especially time…money can be repay but time can’t…

Talking about time, one thing I found so amusing is that the habit grew in university…some of these students have quite an eccentric time management skill which I found quite unbelievable too. While in first year of study here in UM and living in college…I constantly wasted my time waiting, in the meeting room, during college programme and a lot of other things…sometimes I think my little brother is brighter in seeing his watch and telling the time…

I might be slow in updating as I got a lot of other things to solve in till the end of this month…about the new song…actually I wanted to put James Blunt ‘You are beautiful’ but then I got problem uploading it…so I just changed to something else which is equally good…Geoffrey Raines…’Here I Am’.

Check out more great music at Bardo Music


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the complement! Glad you liked the tune. - Geoff, Bardo Music dot com

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