Tuesday, October 18, 2005
10:33 AM


Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything - Muhammad Ali

Received a call from an old friends, we spent time updating info on every person that we knew back then…it was such a fun thing to just chat about old time. After the conversation…I was sent back in time remembering all the wonderful I had back in school. As stereotype as it may sound but life back then was one of the great moment that would never return again. Well I still got life as a student here in UM which will be my last stop before completely living the happy ‘Bohemian’ life I lead. After that…it will be different.

With the entire trance backward I also realized the sets of friends I have. I’ve known people who just love to hit their guitar and drums…still do…even turn the lab store into jam studio. Which eventually led the school master to allow them to have their gig in school and in exchange, they need to study.

They are some who spent most of their school time at the field, playing various kinds of sports…Well I was in that list too…result from that is the fact that my jaw was almost broken…being hit by a fast netball and until today it didn’t return to it original placement. Thank God it wasn’t something visible. Not to mention a few time of almost being crush by the netball goal post. One time almost break a friend’s BMW window while playing softball…luckily it hit the body, being BMW you can’t see the result of that…The prefect team…I was never part off, but since almost three quarter of my classmate was, they become the most corrupt (in good way) prefect I knew…leaking news about ‘spot check’ schedule to us, letting me off with not too white shoes...which happens to be the shoes I hadn’t wash for almost a month or sometimes two.

Off course they are the ‘nasyid’ team which I entered by accident,…I not even such an ‘alim’ person… but this is the set of friends which is still with me till today. I never knew how I end up in there but we had great fun...winning was the best part of it all. I was not a very good singer, luckily I didn’t have to sing so much as I was entrust more into the music department, playing various kind of musical instrument which I was allowed to play.

Today…things are different, at university I have another diversified sets of friends, some are close and some are not but still my school friends are they one who would always be special.

To the people we love at different times, in different ways, the different lives lead, the different people we become in loving hands… the lives we flee…the lives we dream… May all your dreams come true and this time mine – Danielle Steel


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