Wednesday, June 07, 2006
9:06 AM


Genius ain't anything more than elegant common sense -Josh Billings

Beautiful date..I wanted to post something today as the date are just so nice 06/06/06. Some people decided to get engage today, some decide to get married and some had lovely babies born on this day, not to mention some got scared to as the date is sad to be 'devilish'. Yup just like the 'Omen' film coming out today.

As for me, today I resit for the PTD test. Yes..the one I flunk earlier, mum was eager to see me past eventhough I don't see me sitting in fancy Putrajaya office trying to figure out where Malaysia is heading. Not to mention, the test isn't going to be evaluated fully anyway..they just pick a lucky name...For those going for PTD test..no I'm not killing you ambition here, if you really want it ..go and grab it.

With Zoo view landslide, landfill being so totally filled up, recycle campaing gone nowhere, graduate with no jobs ..etc. I just don't know where the PTD is heading. Okay maybe there are good thing that come out of it..there must be right

At first sitting for the exam again already made me a little annoyed, to make thing worst somebody next to me ask me is it was my first time because it was her first time. Sitting for the second time made me felt ancient, like I'm kind of loser, and idiot...not to mention having to answer questions that I have no idea what the heck it was...my shooting skill come in handy at this time..hahaha

If the Romans had been obliged to learn Latin, they would never have found time to conquer the world-Heinrich Heine


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