Friday, February 22, 2008
10:09 PM

Bon Appetite

One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. ~Luciano Pavarotti and William Wright

Yesterday was my little brother's birthday..its hard to forget since he kept reminding people about it for the past month. A little hint there and here to make sure he got a present from me. It's not like anybody is ever going to forget..with the exception for my extremely busy out of this country brother...he forgot almost everybody's bithday except his..but then his friends are the one who throws the party.

As a custom who ever birthday it is..we get to have a special dinner out. A cake or a pudding depending on mom's mood...the cake is either chocolate or cheese ( our clan is very unadventurous when it comes to food..it is always the same not that anybody is complaining). We probably complaint the moment it is change to somethig not familiar..talk about loyalty.

One thing I realise is when it come to showing love and appreciation..Malaysian has a unique way of showing it through food. We don't hug and kiss so much but we do eat a lot on special occasion.

Take my mom for example..everytime my brother come back for summer holiday ..she will shove him with everything..nasi briani, cocktail pudding, home made steak, apple pie, laksa, spagetti etc. It is the way how she shows her love for my brother. Any other months ..we just have to be happy with all the peasant's offering. We have to wait for the king to come back before we can eat all the castle offering. If we eat anything remotely special before my brother comes home..mom would kind of sulk remembering him..so better not to eat rather risking mom not enjoying the food.

I used to be king once..during matriculation and university days..but then I do come home a lot so nobody really missed having all the specially prepared food so much.

Now we have 3 month every year to enjoy it. My brother eat so much that it was a blessing for him the the airline company didn't charge anyone on their body mass index because he surely puts a lot of weigt compared when he first come home...hehehe love you bro!

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons. -Alfred E. Newman


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