Monday, February 11, 2008
6:55 PM

A child's brain

There is great treasure there behind our skull and this is true about all of us. This little treasure has great, great powers, and I would say we only have learned a very, very small part of what it can do-Isaac Bashevis Singer

You know when you are a kid you have different understanding of how are the things in the world works. As you grow up you learn that somethings are not what you think there are. Here are some of my childhood myths that I believe when I was a little kid

1. Tazmanian Devil - okay maybe not all kid are as ignorance as me (I am sure kids in Australia know better) and maybe I am the only one who grew up thinking the Tazmanian devil is only a cartoon character that the Disney make up. You know the one running around destroying everythings that stand in its way. It took me 20 years to figure out that Tazmanian devil really exist! Makes you wonder though why the name Tazmanian devil? For me it sounds like something from Draculla movie.

2. People in the globe - when I was young I thought we live in earth not on top of it and I have this crazy idea that if I decided to chop the globe into two..tiny people will come out.

3. Money in ATM's - As a kid I thought the ATM is so generous..all you have to do is insert the card and just ask for money (if only that is how things works). But then you get big and learn about bank accounts and how your father works hard just to make sure he can continue asking the ATM for money..and you get your mum's wise advise 'Money don't grow on trees you know!'

4. Aliens - I love star gazzing and everytime I wonder about the magnificent sky I always believe there are aliens who wonder back about us. Seeing us from their telescope and such...and deep down inside I still have this little tiny inkling that that is true.

5. Babies - I'm sure a lot of little kid have this idea that once a person get married somehow a baby will magically appear in mummy's belly...well now I know better...hehehe...and you don't have to get married for babies to magically appear.

All human beings, by nature, desire to know - Aristotle


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