Monday, September 15, 2008

Greensmilies goes Wordpress

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~ in P.S. I Love You by Cecila Ahern.

I still haven't learn German but putting a bunch of Greensmilies in your Wordpress is pretty easy with the plug-ins. This plug-in will exchange the default Wordpress smilies with with the one you choose.

1. Download (right-click and save) the plug-in courtesy of Greensmilies

2. Upload it to your plug-in folder where ever you put your Wordpress file into.
3. Activate the plug-ins and voila! you've got yourself your own array of Greensmilies. You can either use to one that has already been given in the plug-ins or edit it with your own choice of smilies from the one you've downloaded earlier.(it's a pretty big colllection)

That is the easy way (changing the default Wordpress smilies with your own). But it's not so fun when you have to type all the shortcut smilies. So we make it even better...we put a smilies bar at your create post page and comment. Then all you need to do is click on it. A warning though this works in HTML mode. (for the create post page)

1. Download another plug-ins here rename it to smiley_js_buttons.php. All the codes are courtesy of Ars Arena. You can read it there too for more elaborate explaination and the original codes. Mine had been through a slight alteration to suit my need.

2. Upload it to your plug-ins file in Wordpress and activate it. Inside it you need to edit the path so the smilies that appear is the one from greensmilies. Change the smilies path from wp-includes/images/smilies/ to wp-contents/plugins/greensmilies/smilies/

3. Comes the tricky part. To insert your smilies bar in the post-comment section like the one you see below, first open your comments.php page that is in your wp-contents>theme>Your Theme folder.

4. Find a line that mention its the comment post form, for example something along this line;

<p><textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="50" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea></p>

and insert this codes below, just before the submit button appears.

<?php if (function_exists(\'SJB_outputSmilies'\)) {SJB_outputSmilies();} ?>

and its done. Now your visitors can post smilies with their comment.

5. To insert the smilies bar into you create page in your admin form. Open the edit form advance.php located in the wp-admin folder

6. Locate this section

<?php if ( ! empty($post->ID) && ! empty($sample_permalink_html) ) :
echo $sample_permalink_html;
endif; ?>

and insert this codes underneath it;

<?php if (function_exists(\'SJB_outputSmilies'\)) {
echo '</small><br />';
} ?>

Its done!

But like I said earlier in order to use it you need to switch the mode to HTML, but you can always toggle back and forth between Visual and HTML mode to write your post.

Go Green people!

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildon


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