Wednesday, April 01, 2009
9:49 PM

How far they would go

It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor. ~Max Eastman

It's April Fool's day, I remembered my worst April fool's was being told that a teacher wanted to meet me at the teachers lounge. (Not surprisingly..the teacher in question didn't made any such request).Lucky for me at my pranking classmates the teacher was cool about it even the teacher which I cut class from had fun laughing when I told her that I got punked.

Throughout the history not many people escape the April Fool's even the most tyrant ruler seems to enjoy this day.(Saddam Hussein put on April Fool's joke in his son newspaper to fools Iraqi's citizens) Let's check some of the most ridicilous April Fool's joke ever...and how far did people go to pull the prank.

The Iraqi Ambassador's Final Joke

On April 1, 2003, as thousands of American-led coalition troops stormed across Iraq, the Iraqi ambassador to Russia, Abbas Khalaf Kunfuth, held a press conference in Moscow. Many were expecting him to announce that Iraq conceded defeat. Instead Kunfuth chose this moment to hold a gag press conference. Holding up a piece of paper that he identified as a news flash from Reuters, he read aloud from it: "The Americans have accidentally fired a nuclear missile into British forces, killing seven." Immediately the room full of reporters went silent with shock. Then Kunfuth grinned and shouted 'April Fools!' Only a few days after this unexpected moment of levity, the Iraqi government completely collapsed.

Releasing The Prisoners

Imagine reading that your husband or brother who has been held in a squalid Romanian prison for years is finally going to be released. You make the long journey to the prison and stand outside the prison gates, waiting desperately for the moment you'll be reunited with your loved one, only to hear... 'April Fools! No one's being released!' This experience happened to sixty people in April 2000 who read in the Opinia newspaper that their loved ones were going to be released from the Baia Mare prison in Romania. They made the long journey to the prison, only to learn that the paper had played an April Fool's joke on them. The Opinia later published an apology.

Changing the National Anthem

In the last year of the millennium, BBC Radio 4 startled anybody tuned in to listen its Today program with the new decision of the British Parliament to change the British National anthem from the monopoly-advocating "God Save the Queen" to a Euro Anthem sung in German that used extracts from Beethoven's music. Pupils of a German school in London sang the anthem that was aired. It is said that even the royal family was stunned with the announcement and Prince Charles's office telephoned Radio 4 to ask them for a copy of the new anthem. Though, St. James Palace insisted later that it had not been fooled but was only playing along with the prank.

Floating in Time

In 1976, BBC Radio 2 aired an announcement by the British astronomer Patrick Moore that at 9:47 AM the audience can all experience once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event in which the planet Pluto would pass behind Jupiter and thus, due to the gravitational alignment during this planet, the Earth's gravity would lessen and people can jump higher at that very moment and may even have a floating sensation like the astronomers do in the space. Liars and gossip-mongers found it a good opportunity to claim that they indeed had experienced the sensation and one woman even called in to report that at that very moment she was sitting with her eleven friends, when they all rose from their chairs and floated around the room. Liars, liars!

The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being, but to remind him that he is already degraded. ~George Orwell


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