Friday, September 23, 2005
4:42 PM

Loca el mundo (Crazy world)

If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in the library? -Lily Tomlin

Going through the net and came across some interseting fact. This not a creation it is instead ideas that were sent for paternship.For the USPTO to issue a patent, the invention must be novel, non-obvious, and "useful." List below are some of the paterns that will never make it...has this people lost their sense of intergrity to sent in something like this...for instance

1.Light Bulb Changer-How many machines does it take to change a light bulb? Come on now, who is going to buy a machine, that looks like it weighs 100 pounds and costs plenty, to change light bulbs. How would one even get this contraption up to a light bulb?

2.Method of exercising a cat - Got lazy cat? here is a solution...dumb one too.This patent for using a laser pointer to exercise a cat (yes, by moving the laser pointer beam around and having the cat chase it). Come on now... Not only is this crazy to patent, but this idea had surely been thought of long before this patent came about. In fact, a bit of research turned up the book "One Hundred and Eighty-Seven Ways to Amuse a Bored Cat". that describes the exact same idea, but using a flashlight...can't they get even more creative than that?

3.Religious Meditation Apparatus-A bird feeder shaped like a church, so that you can watch the birds as you pray....Peace!I just wondered how on earth did this guy came out with this?

4.Inclining coffin -I'm not sure why anyone wants a dead person sitting upright, but even the person who patented this says it is spooky.yeah..sure, so that none of your relative turn up for the funeral or if they did, they will go home and have nightmare about it Fantastic!

5.Mouse device with a built-in printer -The title is pretty self-explanatory. Yes, it takes very small paper. Maybe it could serve as a label maker... that's about all I can think of.

6.Halloween Mask with Flash Device -This guy took a Halloween mask, strapped a light on it and called it a new invention. I know that Halloween is a relatively new holiday compared to some of the others, but I do recall seeing glowing masks well before this patent existed.I bet I know the next patent this guy submitted. He took a tree and stuck some lights and decorations on them and called it a "Christmas Tree." Pure genius.

7.Motorized ice cream cone -So the cone rotate and all you have to do is stuck you tongue out like a dog.Yummeee.. I am usually a proponent of anything that allows me to do less work, but everyone knows that the best part of eating an ice cream cone is eating the cone and ice cream at the end!

8.Protective underwear with malodorous flatus filter Either this person have a really bad problem or he thought he was Edison..An air freshener system for your drawers.Its like having 'Ambi-Pur, in you underware! Right. I can understand how an untimely fart in a professional or romantic situation could be embarrassing, but I think people can self-control. If this isn't an option perhaps it's time to see a doctor...

There a lot more..even how to play the swing was submitted for paternship. Method of swinging on a swing -So these fools think that in all the years of swinging no one has ever before thought to pull on the opposite chains and swing form side to side? Well, I guess they got the PTO to issue the patent, so I'm not sure who the fool really is... But, even so, what do these guys expect to do with this anyway? Are they going to go around and collect royalties from kids on the playground???

I stop for now..I laugh so hard reading these stuff that my stomach hurt..

The bookful blockhead, ignorantly read With loads of learned lumber in his head.-Alexander Pope


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