Saturday, September 03, 2005
1:00 AM

The Ride from Hell

Bush Sr. was a jerk, Quayle an idiot, Clinton was atrocious and disgusting, most of those who persecuted him were hypocritical, Gore is shallow and weak, Bradley is an idealist, Bush Jr. a fool, and all of the independent candidates act like they're on drugs. -David Borenstein

Starting from today untill next week...it's my semester break...yipee!!, finally a break! after all the work and stuff to do I need a break, without one I'm the one who will break or a crack in my head.

It's not the holiday that bother me, but the ride home I had. I seldom buy early tickets so for that I had to chase like 25 counter for a ticket home. Got one, lucky me...but wait till you hear about the ride.

It was a complete nerve wreck experience. If I'm allowed to sum in a few short word it would be 'ride from hell'. Not like I've been to hell before but sitting in the bus for 5 hours I'm sure is near to one.

The bus had busted air-condition, Gosh..it was like sitting in sauna, the only different is, I'm not in bathrobe, this sauna move and it's stink with people sweat including mine.

Thank God it's only five hours, another few more hours I will need an ambulance ride for complete dehydration.

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. -Winston Churchill


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