Sunday, January 15, 2006
10:05 AM

Hello..mom I’m hurt!

Democracy does not guarantee equality of conditions - it only guarantees equality of opportunity. -Irving Kristol

Good news schoolchildren, out beloved Kementrian Pendidikan has decided to uplift the ban on handphone...so kids come on cheer up for the wonderful news. my personal reaction would be...WHAT?..why? what for? Do they even need it?

Call me conservative...anti progression or anything but I don’t think these kids need a cell phone at school. What they need it for anyway? So their mom can called them and asked them where are they, what are they having for lunch or what game they are playing? Or so the kid can called his or her friends and ask them out for recess... err how big is the school anyway...that you can’ find your friend?

I still remember going to school without a cell phone, it was a carefree day, mom can’t other with what I do and I don’t want her too anyway! I still manage to behave and survive it. If you really need to call for emergency... you can always use the public phone. No big deal.

The reason behind the ban uplift was said that parents are complaining that they can’t reach their children at school. Huh..parents these days..give your kid a break Paranoia parents...the real problem in today society.

I’ve known of family who’s parents are s paranoid about what their kids do..even when they are just kids they were not allowed to go out and play for too long. The mom always wants to find out everything. As the kid grow up they learn the art of lying to their parents because ...let face it the parents were to obnoxious worried too much and they get mad for nothing really the kids got tired and lie their way through...maybe this is why they need cell phone..to keep track of their children. But will it keep the kids from lying... errr no mom I’m in school...that noise, well they just the kids playing at the field... when the truth is he is lazing around the mall...sigh

I’ knew a few very busy people who despite their richness and busy schedule don’t own a cell phone. They are already busy without one. I’ don’t hear the wife complaining about not being able to keep track of her husband though...or maybe the husband don’t want to get track...hmmm

From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own. -Carl Schurz


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