Thursday, January 12, 2006
9:53 AM

New Year entry

Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work. -Gustave Flaubert

Its a new year and only a few entry from me... I’ve been very lazy this couple of days and beside there is nothing much to write about anyway I don’t have a complicated love life to write about. Even my life is not that complicated at all even if it is..the nature of Caprcorn is always not to complicate things...relax , breath in and breath out...you will so much better

Skip the introduction...actually I want to thank everyone who had remembered my birthday...Mom and Dad the first to send me wishes and the giving me the pizza treat, cakes and a lot of other stuff Followed by a bunch of terrific friends..mucha gracias for the wishes and present... love them all.

To my bro... wow you remembered... buy me nice things in Egypt..no sweater, no Egyptian ruler and no Egyptian pencil box please...already have that stuff.

Salam Eid Adha to all...a bit to late actually.
P/S: ader org janji nak bagi hadiah..tp tak nampak2 pun rupa hadiahnyer...maner erkk..;-P

Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else. -George Halas


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