Monday, November 24, 2008
12:44 PM

The Easily Confused English

The four most beautiful words in our common language: I told you so- Gore Vidal

Sometimes I think I act like a baby, I need 8 hours of sleep or my head will have little dwarfs doing the cancan inside it. By the way I've change the background music, after so many month on Celtic Woman to something by Thirteen Sense.

MAC or Mac
When you write about Apple's Macintosh, you write it as Mac not MAC, because it's not an acronym.

However MAC stands for Media Access Control number, and all computers regardless of it's operating system has one. You can be a Windows user and still have a MAC number.

Voila or Viola
Viola is the musical instrument, or a flower. Voila! is an expression in French meaning 'behold!'

Ying and Yang or Yin and Yang
The correct term for that black and white colour blending in a circle is Yin and Yang (yes, Yin withtout 'g')

Troop or Troupe
Troop is the group of people, military or otherwise. Troupe is a group of performers, the one you watch at a circus. You don't send a troupe of soldiers to war.

Unchartered or Uncharted
You chartered a plane or unchartered it, meaning hiring it exclusively. Uncharted means unmapped or undiscovered or exploring a new subject or area, the way Christopher Columbus did it.

Suppose to or Supposed to
You supposed to include the 'd' to make sure it is grammatically correct.

Perogative or Prerogative
The word is associated with PRivilage and PRecendence therefore is should be spelt PRerogative.
Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it (Thunder on the Left)- Christopher Morley


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