Sunday, November 02, 2008
12:59 PM

Happy and Healthy

Like everybody else, when I don't know what else to do, I seem to go in for catching colds. ~George Jean Nathan

You know the question many employer will use especially those big multinationals when they interview you is 'What is the most important things you want in life?'.

Some of us would go 'I want a house, a car, a family and an office at the director's floor'. Which will later will be translated as ambitious with goal.

I was once asked the same question and my answer was I want to be healty and happy. The person goes 'hmm really'. There goes my job..it was a vague answer and the person can't make up what kind of person I am.

I should just say...'I want to sit in you boss office'. That would shock his system. But then he didn't really have much imagination...

All that water under the bridge now, if I am ask the same question again my answer will still be the same. I want the two things even money can't guarantee you will have it and I'm sure those who have it won't trade it for any amount of money you offer.

What type of person that makes me...I really don't know. It just me. One thing for sure I wouldn't backstab anyone or kiss anyone ass just to be on top because that will make me unhappy. One of the things I don't want in life.

For a person who had her share of being sick most of her life, being healthy and staying healty is a precious gem you want to grab and hold for the rest of your life.

The greatest wealth is health. ~VirgilPower


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