Monday, February 16, 2009
11:26 PM


If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.-Lewis Carol

I just realize that people who live in Liverpool is called Liverpudlian rather than Liverpoolian, a combination of the word Liverpool and puddle. (Not that this fact will help you past your exam unless you are writing a story about Liverpudlian of course).

My lecturer once said that he didn’t remember people phone number as it can be easily access through his mobile. Why need to keep something so mundane in your brain when you can replace those spaces with the short history of Ivan the Terrible instead right? But is you brain really that small?

The fact that modern technology made us more and more scatter brain is not something to be proud of because sometimes there are things you can’t keep in your mobile or you computer. Then those things will be lost forever to us.

I remembered my grandmother use to recite all kinds of poem and children’s riddle to us. Like so many others like her in the 1920’s era, she didn’t go to school, she only knows how to read and write in Jawi but hands down, she had one of the best memory in town. Although without the proper education she still managed to remember all kinds of children’s rhymes, riddles and stories. Things that even kindergarten don’t teach you. But all that is in the past, I can’t even recall half of the riddles or jokes she used to tell. It seems like a small matter but it was actually a big lost to the culture. I don’t know if I can ever get those stories, riddles and rhymes back.

A few weeks back I was talking with my mum and somehow the song ‘Bangau oh Bangau’ came up. To my utter amazement, my 12 year old brother said he didn’t remember the song. My brother, who watch Discovery channels and knows how human land on the moon, didn’t remember the famous ‘Bangau of Bangau’. How many of the little kids out there know the story of Cinderella (I’m sure a lot) but how many of us still remember the story of Sang Kancil (not the four wheels version), how many of our children out there know it too. We know JRR Tolkien ‘The Ring’ we don’t know our own ‘Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa’.

Our culture is slipping by us and we don’t even realize it. We want big things but we forget the little things that made us unique.

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.-Jimmy Dean


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