Tuesday, May 17, 2005
10:50 PM

Defib and Dead Guys....

The purpose of life is a life of purpose - Robert Byrne

Sorry I'm not making fun of anyone death with this entry. Read it like you read any other non important story. It started with one work orders, a visit to the ward, not so happy nurse and a defiblirator monitor flashing back and forth. First and formost for those who don't know defiblirator it the thing you saw on E.R the one with paddle and a big square unit that gave out a 'teet' sound as they charge. When the nurse said ready the doctor applied an electric shock to the patients as they started to drift away to the other realm. The shock suppose to wake them up and tell them..dude it's not your time yet!

Back to my story..what happen was the defib wasn't functioning, it got some king of monitor problem and when I check it won't charge the paddle either. To add to my already don't know what to do head, the nurse told me the defib went 'kong' as they are trying to save a patient. The end...you guess, defib not functioning, heart fibrilate...nothing you can do save the guy. I really don't know what to say to the nurse, shock maybe. So the story with this particular defib was it had a breakdown like a two weeks ago, I attend the first call and while trying to figure out whay the defib is acting like it was then..behind me a session of life saving is going on. I'm the one who is sweating..goshh. I went back after I couldn't find out what the problem was leaving the defib beind promising the nurse that I'll come back. The thing was the defib was operating normally when I arrived. So nothing much I can do and the nurse used it back. Later that evening anotherreport came back, since I was already on a different task a friend of mine went there. He brought back the defib and told me the guy I saw earlier is already dead. The same defib and two guys is dead.

I told him today story and he came out with 'the haunted defib'....watch out people you don't want to be attached to this machine period! As for the dead..what can I say....

When you're dead, you're dead. That's it. -Marleen Dietrich


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