Saturday, December 24, 2005
10:57 AM

Sepi Angin Ke Kota London

Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is man only by his heart.-Henri Frederic Amiel

Usually I don’t watch serial drama because I know I would never get to see the ending... the most crucial part of the whole story However last couple of weeks it happen that a friend was watching this drama and having nothing better to do I decided to stay and watch. By the way that was the only episode I manage to catch.. nada mas (nothing else) ..In order to understand to whole story I asked my friend about it.

It was a story about a very bright village guy, nice too..who was offered to further his study in London....and he was the only one in that village who manage to do so. The whole village were so proud of him. Of course the story revolves around the trouble he faced during the whole process of going to London...etc. Of course the setting needs to be right. If it was today...London is such a common thing, but to make the whole story a story the setting was in the 1940’s or 1950’s... I’m not quite sure..but it was around that

But the real matter I wanted to write about was about the accent use in the drama. The village as up North in Perlis. so Northern accent everyone!. We do have a lot of dramas and movies which uses Northern accent.. remember those crappy ‘Anak Mami’ series....seriously I hate it. Who on Penang speaks and acts like that? By the way most of the accent used was from Kedah, not Penang. For those who don’t know, most of these ‘Mami’ clan speaks with emphasize on the ‘R’ pronunciation. Like ‘terlupa’..it became ‘terrrlupa’...this is a very effective way to distinguish between the real ‘Mami’ clan and the ‘mixed of rojak’ clan like mine. The look might suggest it but I’m not...my family came from a very long tradition of mix blood...believe me you don’t want to know it all.

Back to my story..in this drama all the dialogue said sounded very real. Even the jokes is the same kind of jokes you could possible associate the Northern people to say... not some weird verbal abuse, lousy and crappy tend to funny but not kind of jokes. The casting was great...they doesn’t sound fake at all.

With this good blend of fresh dialogue and good casting...it makes the drama alive, give you a real feeling on the whole story. This is the right way. If you want to portray something do it accurately...don’t try to murder them.

Thumbs up the director...good job!

I honestly think it is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate. -George Burns


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