Sunday, July 27, 2008

Troubleshoot: Laptop Blank Screen with cursor

To write for PC reasons, because you think you ought to be dealing with this subject, is never going to yield anything that is really going to matter to anyone else. It has to matter to you. Rita Dove

The day began like all my ordinary Sunday...wake-up late, laze around, eat breakfast or more like brunch and watch TV except by noon by world came crushing down first by a durian, then the gate, the the pipe and lastly the laptop.

First I accidentally kick a durian and end up limping, my rigt foot now full of scratches. Then somehow I made the most silliest mistake and scratch the Elantra rear-end. That definitely will cost me. My brother the concern citizen come rushing out after he heard the noise and decide to stand on a pipe, and it burst out, ...great. It's not 'Sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga' but more like 'Dah jatuh tergolek, terhantuk tempayan dan dihempap tangga'. Totally outragous.

To top it up, my Fujitsu A series laptop running on Vista decided to came up with a blank screen, not black like your whole LCD has been blown up but more like purplish and the only thing you can see is the cursor. The boot up just fine but you can't see anything.

The silver lining of all this...I learn how to troubleshoot the problem. It works and now my laptop work just like before. This is how did it.

1. Reboot the laptop and then choose 'Safe mode with command prompt'.
2. This should work and you will be able to see the command prompt. Other than that all is still blank
3. So it the command prompt type 'explorer.exe'. Now you should be able to see your safe mode screen with all all the icons.
4. From there choose 'Window'-'Accessories'-System Tools' -'System Restore '. Choose one point for restoration. Lucky for me my laptop created a restore point earlier this morning. I chose that and let the program do the rest. I should work just fine and my laptop is back to normal.

Well despite and aching foot that look like I've been stream roll by a durian, a burst pipe and scratch car...I got a chance to learn a new trick to saving my laptop. Not bad...

I do as much debugging as possible on the Mac, but I occasionally must debug problems in the PC world, which is significantly slower. Robert Patterson


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