Wednesday, July 13, 2005
1:46 PM

How to get your dream thesis title

In the arena of human life the honours and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities - Aristotle

So it's official I"m in the final year of my study....although I don't feel like it at all. It felt like it was only yesterday that I walk donw the deparment stairs feeling confused as what am I doig there. Is this course really my cup of tea? Figuring where on earth is my next class ad trying hard to remember my classmates name ( I suck at this particular bit). It took me like a whole semester to get everyones names right. I even played the game with my lab group partners...and they are only four or five of them....talk about really bad memory.

Okay today I'm ttrying to bit my luck on thesis project. Okay here is a trick how you can get your dream title...which I hope work for me to get mine....

1. when the title is out quickly grab it and head to the lecturer in charge and ask about the project. Show that you are very interested and be a nice kid. (lecturerr are human too they need to be flattered...you get what I mean)

2.After title presentation...again go and meet the lecturer....show agan that you are interested and you are willing to fight for it. give your name also just incase the lecturer don't already know.

3. Pray and hope for the best...if you make a goof impression on the lecturer you might get it....so be prepared to bang your head because life is not simple anymore.( We are talking about working on thesis project here...not playing hide and seek...and you aspect life to be as it was in the first year......yeahh I wish it was that simple)

To all my friend good luck.....

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former- Albert Eistein.


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