Saturday, July 02, 2005
12:12 AM


You don't have to have fought in a war to love peace- Geraldine A. Ferraro

Beginning of new month, change the background music with some Eastmountsouth for some slow jam feeling. Peace everyone..let have some 'zen' feeling before I go on with my political banters.

Here goes....Petronas announced its big cash billion dollar profits, and the hell breaks loose as petrol price are supposedly is increasing again...Ironic. As the Malaysian oil company (yes..Malaysian not individuals) make lots and lots of money our beloved 'YB' said that the government cannot afford the RM300 million subsidizing oil for the fellow Malaysians..make you wonders where the heck all those Petronas profits goes. Its not million but billion. The most cliche line that you will hear in the news will be 'our price is still the lowest in the region!'. Sigh......we are comparing the price of petrol here with Thailand! which for some strange reason don't have any oil underneath their soil...but we have Petronas pumping galons of oil from our land and making money and we are comparing price with Thailand...gosh!

News these days are full with politics and wierd human being, start with the nurse who kidnapped other people baby's to maniac who tried to run over school kids at their school. What kind of nation have we turn into....playstation? (kick it, shoot it..run over just at the press of a button). What will it become in 2020...I certainly know that it is not even close the the vision.

Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our over-confidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. -Bruce Barton


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