Monday, May 12, 2008

The Deed is done

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. ~Johnny Carson

It had been extracted!...ouchhh. My wisdom tooth had been wisely removed. Bravo to me!. Well…it’s not to bad, the procedure takes about 30 minutes, first 15 to make you numb and the other 15 for torture. (That if you visit the most experience dentist with a strong grip, if not it will definitely take longer time). Therefore I need to thank Dr. Denis Mark Lee and his team for not prolonging my torture. Once the anesthetic effect is over I don't think I want to smile at him anymore.

Thank you to who ever created the local anesthetic. The funny part was while I was sitting there with two nurses holding my head and body, and the dentist holding quite a big plier trying all his might to pull the tooth, I saw the reflection at the reflective area of the lamp at the ceiling. It looks like some horror movie scene. You know where two nurses and a dentist trying to torture to sweet innocent man and the guy is trashing around screaming his lungs off.

Mine was the sweeter version, no thrashing and testing my lungs prowess. I am the model of a good patient…hehehe. It wasn’t that painful but hearing the machine grinding you tooth (they had to saw half the tooth in order to pull it out) tends to scared you a bit (more that a bit actually). The good part, it didn't need stiches so I don't have to go for another trip of suture removal.

After 15 minutes of struggling, the deed is done. Congratulation to me!

A little fact, almost 65% of female need to extract their wisdom tooth while only 30% of male need to go through the procedure. The reason…guys have bigger jaw space so the wisdom tooth can grow freely. Most of the times in female the tooth will impact other tooth causing pain and because of that it needs to be remove. If there is no pain, you don’t have to pull it out. Kind of unfair since guys are supposed to be a lot tougher while girls are the delicate creature but then women go through labor, men do not. Based on evidence I must say women are a lot tougher than men (I said tougher not stronger).

If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist’s office would be full of luminous ideas. ~Mason Cooley


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