Sunday, May 11, 2008
11:00 AM

If everyone is a genius

The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits - some smart guy

Have you ever wonder what will happen if everyone in this world is born a genius. If everybody is smart enough that they can run their own company. Have the qualification to sit behind big chair and big desk with designation that left people gapping.

The reason I ask...a few month ago I was standing at the entrance of the ladies at Sunway Pyramid (which I must say is one of the nicest public toilet in Malaysian mall). One of the reason I can stand at the entrance, if it was the Puduraya public toilet then I would be standing almost 100 yards from its entrance....

As I was standing there.. a cleaning lady was doing her job, everthing a cleaning lady should do. She mopped the floor, make sure the thrash can are not over flowing with thrash, wipping clean everything that needs cleaning. Not a single visitor smile at her although they were standing just a few inches away from her. Some don't even spare her a glance treating her like she was invisible. Well okay maybe her job description mean she need to act invisible.

It got me thinking..what if there are no one like her, I mean there is not one who wanted to clean the toilets, the streets, the drains. No one to mow the grass, work under scorching sun to beautify the landscape etc because everyone are so damn clever they all qualified for Mensa membership. I'm not saying those who work the job I mention above is stupid, some are just as smart as the next math doctorate but what if everyone in the world qualified for higher income jobs...what will happen?

Some people said that life is not fair, but thinking about it we will know that life didn't get any fairer than it is. Each of us have our own strength and weaknesses and serve our purpose accordingly. No matter how small, how mundane a job is, we still contribute.

“Don't rely on someone else for your happiness and self worth. Only you can be responsible for that. If you can't love and respect yourself - no one else will be able to make that happen. Accept who you are - completely; the good and the bad - and make changes as you see fit - not because you think someone else wants you to be different- Stacey Charter.


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