Thursday, May 15, 2008
1:47 PM

Something Blue

A lot of people ask me if I were shipwrecked, and could only have one book, what would it be? I always say 'How to Build a Boat" - Stephen Wright

Got my hand on this book a couple of weeks ago but only started to read it a week ago. It was the sequel ( but the story line is set parrallel) of the book Something Borrowed. If Something Borrowed was the story about Cindarella then this one is the wicked stepsister's version....I just don't know how the author came up with this but it works, got me glued to it.

The protagonis Darcy Rhone started out as the most unsympathetic, self-centred, spoiled, shallow minded character. She's born beautiful...what do you expect when the first sentence in the book was 'I was born beautiful', she's not wicked but then she is just full of her self. She thinks the world revolve around her. She always got what she wanted, a great PR job, a handsome fiance...she is set for life until her action brought everything crashing down. Despite knowing she was the main factor she still tries to played the victim...it infuriates me.

The first 200 pages got me feeling like strangling Darcy for her self-centred opinion and action. It's a character you will love to hate. But moving pass that you will start to like her and hopping that she will eventually learn to improve her shallow mindedness,start to grow-up and take responsibility. She did.... with a few twist here and there and after finishing the book I can help to like her. She started out as the villain but not ending up being hate anymore. Clever story telling by the author.

I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense - Harold Kushner


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