Thursday, June 16, 2005
1:11 AM

Drugs, syringe and etc....

He too serves a certain purpose who only stands and cheers.-Henry B. Adams

Yippee! for the drug addicts because the government is considering giving them free syringe and even condoms. The justification is that they want to save RM500 millon a year from treating HIV patients. Okay here is my reaction...WHAT? You want to give these drug addicts more reason to be high. Ohh... like they are going to remember to use a clean needle when they want to takes drugs ...yeah right. 'I'm scared of the HIV'..ohh the junkies will remember alright! You are talking about someone who can even killed when they want to get 'stone' here. You think they will consider getting a clean, sterilized needle? Get real. And if they want to spent the night with someone...they going to play it save...hahaha.

It's enough that the goverment spent like millions of ringgit putting this fellow through rehab when that is the amount of money which can provide enough schoolarship for those good students trying hard to get into university. That is the amount of money you want to save not RM500 million treating HIV patients. By giving free stuff away we are encouraging them to not even consider quitting drugs because they might get HIV. We got clean needle what to be scared about now? Let's party!

If we really want to save the country lets educate to young ones about what drugs might to do them. Tell them not to even consider it. Bring them to the back alley where the junkies live and show them what drugs can do to them. That is the way. Not some big poster with 'Jauhi Dadah' on it. People don't react to well to poster especially Malaysian.....'Dilarang Membuang Sampah Disini' and you got trash just below the sign. You think kid will get the point. Teach them through science what drugs can do to your system. Where they might end up when they take drugs, what happen to the junkies parents. Invite this parents to talk to the kids. Kids are a curious creature but if you scared them enough they stay away forever. How do think some of us still got scared of the ghost. The doctrine have been in your mind even when you are four years old and it stays there....

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.-Aristotle


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