Saturday, June 11, 2005
9:35 PM

Movie and Villain

A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet- Orson Welles.

Watched rerun of 'House of Glass' today on the idiot box. As I watch the film till the end, one thing cross my mind. Why is it that in almost every film and even drama the villain will be the one so hard to die? Throw him out the window of 20 storey high, stab him, drown him yet he is still alive. How come?. Look at the good sidekick ussually the dumb police with no dialague but only a gun....one shoot and he drop dead.

But then without the villain how can the movie be interesting till the end. That is why I think right now most director like to have ghost as the villain. It wouldn't be dead coz well its already dead so you can have the film to run like forever...hahaha.

Waiting to get my chance to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out- Martin Scorsese


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