Friday, June 03, 2005
9:48 PM

Free at last

Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.-Faith Baldwin

Today mark the last day of my training at Penang General Hospital. I came in 10 weeks ago not really looking forward to it. Kicking but not screaming. It is funny though when it is time to go I actually feel sad about it. Just as I start to feel comfortable with the work environment, get to know the hospital staff who is actually very nice and finally get the idea what to do during breakdown I have to leave. But at the same time I feel glad that it is over. The thing left right now is to write my training report, I got a week to do that.

Today all the trainees held a special party for all people at work. We have sent invitation a week prior about this so there is no suprise when almost everyone including from the regional office is there. Yesterday our bos hold a party as well to celebrate us but today is much more organize then yesterday tandoori chicken party. ( I knew my bos is from Sri Lanka but to eat Tandoori chicken everytime we held a party is too much....he had done it before like a month ago).

At today's party every trainee have to give like 5 minutes speech but I managed to cut that to 1 minutes with my witty remark. ( just a way to cut things short). We have photo session, souvenier giving session and of course the 'rewind reminder' from Jenny the MMD person about the training report for the company.I don't mind to get reminder but to have it for like 5 times a day is very ignorant. ( A Capricorn like me hate it when people remind us more than 2 time on certain things...it felt like we are so incapable of things).

The party when smoothly and the day end nicely for me. Anyway I still need to go back there to get my bos signature for my log book for the last time and send my last weekly report. I didn't manage to get it that day because my bos have to sent someone to India.

My training is officially over

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is- C. S. Lewis


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