Friday, June 10, 2005
2:03 AM

Irrelevant decision

Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life- Leo Buscaglia

Somebody post this to me... 'Relevankah Aku di Hatimu'...errkkk I relatively froze for a few second. Should I reply or just leave it as it is now? Somebody help!

And since when do court term intervene with relationship terms? Okay I'm baing a jerk now with that joke but I can't help it. Even mom find it hard to make me concentrate on something without coming out with joke. To whoever the sender, I'm sorry if I did not take the massage seriously. Should I?

Family, friends and foe......bear with me. Knock me on the head if you wanted too, crash course me on relevant issues..hey whateva....Cupid having hard time finding target right now...:-P

There is a wisdom of the head, and a wisdom of the heart- Charles Dickens


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