Sunday, August 14, 2005
4:58 PM

freedom...with capital F

Man becomes man only by his intelligence, but he is man only by his heart. -Henri Frederic Amiel

Just in a couple of weeks the Malaysian will be celebrating the 48th years of independence. It is wonderful to know that I live in an independent country capable of making its own decision. A county you can call your own. The price of that pride is priceless.

However it is sad when you realise after 48 years of independence there are some who have their mind colonized by the West. Especially the young generation and it is even more disturbing to know that that kind of thinking is growing more and more everyday.

The funny part is right now, only days before celebrating our ‘beloved’ media seems more concern about the AF stars well being, We seems more concern about who get to sing that day then the question of ‘After 48 years on independence, are we really are?’

As much as it hurts to tell the truth….frankly speaking I think we are losing our country in ways that we didn’t expect. The young generation today (maybe not all) is the one who would turn their back and even sell this country if that mean that they will be safe alone. The same thing our ‘beloved’ Sultan did hundreds years ago by selling our land so that they can stay rich. If history can speak, it will laugh at our stupidity.

The invention of IQ does a great disservice to creativity in education. Joel Hildebrand


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