Sunday, April 13, 2008

Starting with Beta (part 1)

To tell you the truth I'm not an expert on coding..never received a formal education on the subject..(if you discounted the 2 hour credit stint I did for C programming..which made my brain loop more than the ferris wheel ought to, during my undergraduate study or my experience using MATLAB for my final year project..which by the way I only utilised other peoples codes rather that make up my own)

So this will be my guide to Beta Blogger from scratch...that's right, I'm writing this from the very beginning of so if you are an expert..forgive the kid's work. This is how I work myself through the whole beta concept. Why I want to use beta..well it give me the ability to manage my blog through even simpler method like the changing the layout and the fonts and colors with just the click of my mouse. But of course before my mouse can start clicking the hard part is to install the template itself. The easiest way is by selecting the the template that are already given.

Unfortunately for me I want a unique looking template..totally mine. Thus the hard work.

The first thing I do after learning a few concept of beta was sketch my layout. I don't want a fancy layout just a simple looking blog. So here it is.. I like my sidebar to be on the left side, maybe because I'm a lefthanded person

Click for larger image.

Basically if you open the HTML section and read the code in there, you will see that there are a few id sections, in general there are 5 basic id's that are used by beta blogger to recognise the section in your blog.

1.* Outer Wrapper (this wrap the whole thing)
----------------2. Content Wrapper (which include)
----------------------- 3. Main wrapper
-----------------------4. Sidebar wrapper
----------------5. Footer Wrapper

In actual fact in all the id sections represent the the Page Elements layout where you used all the drap and drop function and also editing in your beta template.

By adding a new sidebar-wrapper div or a footer-wrapper div in the HTML section you can change the whole layout of you blog.

In the next part I will be calculating the size of each of my section so I can design the background picture that fits.

Related post:

  1. Starting with Beta part 2
  2. Starting with Beta part 3
  3. Starting with Beta part 4


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